LCG Foods Industry Partners

National Chains

Specialising in Direct Store Delivery (DSD) and Local Programs (BC and Ontario)

National Retailers

Leading Regional Chains

Regional grocery chains number in the dozens to hundreds in their respective regions with product selection catering to a well-defined clientele. In addition to conventional grocery, our retailers typically offer gourmet products and healthier, better-for-you products.

Regional Grocery Chains


Leading Natural Grocery Chains

Natural Grocers specialize in products that are free of artificial ingredients, colors, and additives. They often prefer high quality, local, organic, functional, and free-from foods (e.g. gluten-free). 

Leading Natural Grocery Chains

Leading e-commerce platforms

LCG Foods is an industry leader to mange product marketing and sales on these leading e-commerce platforms. 

Leading e-commerce platforms

Central/Eastern Canada - Major Independent and Gourmet Grocery

Major Independents are large, high-volume, single store locations - with a focus on differentiated product selection in gourmet and better-for-you categories.

Central and Eastern Canada Independent Grocers

Western Canada - Major Independent and Gourmet Grocery

Major Independents are large, high-volume, single store locations - with a focus on differentiated product selection on better-for-you and gourmet categories.


Western Canada Major Independents

Special Partnership Programs


Speed to Market Canada Logo

LCG Foods is a proud partner of Speed to Market Canada - a leading market research and market access company that:

  • Guides retailers towards your brand
  • Getting products on shelves fast with ideal retail outlets for your brand
  • Aggregating and delivering market insights in support of listings with regional and national chains.  

For more information, visit


Industry Affiliations

 LCG Foods is a proud member and supporter of these industry associations

Industry Affiliations